In which City and country IJARASEM is based ?
Chennai, India
Is this journal Peer Reviewed ?
Is this journal UGC approved ?
Not Yet
What is ISSN of IJARASEM ?
ISSN: 2395-7852
What kind of papers does IJARASEM publishes?
IJARASEM aims to publish research papers in all the areas of Arts, Science, Engineering, Technology & Management. The research paper publication process starts with the submission of your research paper via email. And the peer review process usually complete within 3-4 days time, depending upon the number of research papers in the pipeline.
How do I submit an article for publication?
Authors can submit the manuscripts to the email id [email protected]. Your paper must be in IJARASEM MS Word Single Column Format. The paper acceptance/ rejection notification will be sent within 7 days from the date of paper submission.
How does the review process work?
The review of articles is done through a blind peer review. All the articles received by IJARASEM are sending to Review Committee after removing the name of the author to have an unbiased opinion about the research.
How many authors are permitted per article ?
IJARASEM permits upto 6 authors per article.
Whether each author can receive the soft copy of certificates?
Yes. Each author of the paper shall receive Digitally Signed E- Certificate of publication with free of cost immediately after publication.
How long does it take for an accepted article to be actually published?
Accepted article will be published in 3 to 4 hours after registration
Do you have hard copy journal publication ?
No. IJARASEM publishes the articles in online version only.
Is the Journal published at regular intervals ?
The journal is published every month i.e. Twelve issues per year.
Is it possible to publish either the National or International conference papers as SPECIAL ISSUE ?
The conference papers will be published as SPECIAL ISSUE within 15 days from the day of conference.
Indian Authors | Foreign Authors |
Rs.850 [if online publication only + E-Certificate for each author] |
40USD [if online publication only + E-Certificate for each author] |
How do i pay the publication fee ?
Indian authors can pay the fees through Google Pay / Phone Pe / Paytm / Net Banking Foreign authors can pay the fees through PAYPAL or Western Union Money Transfer or Wired Banking Transfer. .
Is it possible for Indian Authors to pay the fees through IJARASEM website ?
No. It is not possible to pay the fees through our website using either credit card or debit card.