International Journal of Advanced Research in Arts, Science, Engineering & Management (IJARASEM)

(A High Impact Factor, Bimonthly, Peer Reviewed & Referred Journal)

Call for Papers

Vol.12, Issue 2, March-April 2025

Submission Deadline:

30th April 2025

24 hours
24 hours

4 hours

Submit paper as per the single column word format to:

[email protected]


High Impact Factor : 8.028

10+ Years of existence

10000+ Articles published

6000+ Citations

High Quality & High Reputation

An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization

Referred by Universities to UGC Approved List

Best Peer Reviewed Journal for Paper Publication

High h-index: 35

Best Peer Reviewed Journal

Proficient Reviewers from Reputed Institutes

Why to choose IJARASEM ?

Best Multidisciplinary Journal

Peer Reviewed & Referred Journal

High Impact Factor

Strict Policy against Plagiarism

Easy and Quick processing and publication

Low processing charges

Indexed in reputed databases

Digitally Signed E-Certificates

Whatsapp Support@ +91- 9940572462

Telephonic Guidance to Enhance the Quality of Research

Welcome to IJARASEM !

The International Journal of Advanced Research in Arts, Science, Engineering & Management (IJARASEM) is a bi-monthly, open-access, and internationally recognized peer-reviewed journal. It is dedicated to fostering innovative research in diverse fields, such as arts, science, engineering, technology, and management.

IJARASEM welcomes the submission of original and unpublished work, including reviews, short communications, and notes, that reflect current research across various disciplines. The journal boasts a distinguished editorial board consisting of accomplished academicians and researchers from around the globe. The primary goal of IJARASEM is to support and promote academic and research professionals in the fields of science, engineering, and technology. It also invites well-crafted research articles, reviews, short communications, and notes on a wide range of topics within these disciplines.

Frequency : 6 issues per year

Subject Category : Multidisciplinary Research in Arts, Science, Engineering, Technology & Management


We at IJARASEM ensure to publish original or un-plagiarized articles only. If readers notice any such plagiarized articles or reproduced articles of another publication including conference proceedings etc, please inform us your concern to [email protected]


Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished research papers will be considered. Furthermore, simultaneous submissions (under consideration for publication elsewhere) are not acceptable. Submission of a manuscript is interpreted as a statement of certification that no part of the manuscript is copyrighted by any other publication nor is under review by any other formal publication. It is the primary responsibility of the author to obtain proper permission for the use of any copyrighted materials in the manuscript, prior to the submission of the manuscript to IJARASEM.










